Being thankful is proven to be good for your health. Studies show gratitude gives you a healthier heart, better sleep, boosts your immune system, puts you in a better mood, and increases your desire for physical activity. It is amazing what something as simple as gratitude can do for your health.
We asked the Invictus Healthcare System staff to share what they are thankful for in their lives. Listed below are some responses of what they had to say:
"God's goodness and faithfulness; family (especially grandkids); the people at Invictus; good health."
"To work with our amazing Providers. What a blessing it is to see their heart in patient care!"
"God's grace, my sweet family, my supportive friends, and my golden doodle honey!"
"The people in my life that God has placed. I couldn't have asked for a better husband, family, friends, or work family!"
"God and his grace, without him I would have nothing to be thankful for, also for my understanding and wonderful husband he truly is my rock and best friend, and I can't forget about my family both at home at work, without them life would just be one big cluster."
"The gift of Salvation from our Lord Jesus Christ and serve him with everything I have, the blessing of having a family and Loved ones who truly care for me, ability to feel the warmth of every embrace, a cozy home of my own for not only for me to enjoy, but to everyone who enters, for the financial comfort of living beyond my needs."
"For God Son, Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and Jesus was waiting for us at the hospital when we took my husband for his heart cath and they had to put in a heart stent and he gave me another day with my husband. I am thankful for my Christian children, which is such a blessing. I am also thankful for my job. I pray I do God's will, not mine, and every day I try to do my best with the Holy Spirit guiding me always. I pray each morning and during the day Isaiah 41:13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not: I will help thee. Amen."
"Such an amazing management team who leads Invictus so well!"
"My amazing family, my friends, good health, and amazing job."
"All my amazing coworkers that welcomed me like family!"
"My son, friends, family, and God's provision in my life."
"My family and husband."
"Family and Good food."