A Minimally Invasive Vertebral Procedure to Treat Fractures in the Vertebra
A kyphoplasty is a medical procedure that treats small breaks in the vertebra that make up the spine. Kyphoplasties become necessary when a patient fractures vertebrae(s) due to an injury, such as a slip or fall, or most commonly from osteoporosis. When untreated, the spine can curve forward, therefore shortening your spine and causing severe pain.
The procedure can be done at our clinic under light sedation and patients can return home shortly after the kyphoplasty is performed.
During a kyphoplasty procedure, a small incision is made in the back through which our neurosurgeon, Dr. Gregory L. Wilson, places a narrow tube. Using fluoroscopy to guide it to the correct position, the tube creates a path through the back into the fractured area through the pedicle of the injured vertebrae.
Using the fluoroscopy X-ray imaging, Dr. Wilson inserts a special balloon through the tube and into the vertebrae, then gently and carefully inflates it. As the balloon inflates, it elevates the fracture, returning the pieces to a more normal position. It also compacts the soft inner bone to create a cavity inside the vertebrae.
The balloon is removed and Dr. Wilson uses specially designed instruments under low pressure to fill the cavity with a cement-like material. After being injected, the pasty material hardens quickly, stabilizing the bone.
The procedure can be performed in the office under light sedation. It typically takes about 30 minutes. The recovery involves mild soreness for 1-2 weeks.
Patients with spinal fractures are at increased risk of complications and death compared with people who don't have spinal fractures.
When left untreated, spinal fractures can cause your spine to shorten and curve forward. This curve, called "kyphosis," which can make it difficult to walk, cause spinal deformity, neurological complications, breathing problems, and death.
or those seeking out a minimally invasive treatment that can repair spinal fractures caused by osteoporosis, cancer and non-cancerous tumors, Kyphoplasty may be an option.
Patients that receive a kyphoplasty experience less back pain, improved mobility, improved quality of life and satisfaction with the procedure.
Onset Back Pain
Spine Deformity
Low Bone Density
Shortened Vertebral Height
Less Mobility
Less Independence
Less Back Pain
Improved Stability
Better Quality of Life
Improved Mobility